Wonderful wombs

Why pick me as your womb warrior? To be part of your tribe, to assist you in improving your periods and improving your life. Health challenges such as endometriosis, POCS, irregular or missing periods, and painful, heavy periods.

I'm someone who experienced these health challenges. Through this experience, I have a passion for supporting others and assisting them in avoiding a long journey to recovery.

I want to improve the lives of tweens, teens, and women and how they experience their periods. To breakdown any taboo or stigmas around the monthly cycle and to educate and provide relevant information on the ebb and flow cycle as it moves throughout the month.

This service is a non-invasive, gentle treatment that looks at the whole pelvic girdle and abdominal areas.

All of the uterus and womb structures, through to the digestive system, muscles, ligament, and tendons, including, hip movement and pubic symphysis. Treating the physical body as well as the mental-emotional effects associated with the issues being experienced.

This service is about restoring flow, restoring the womb and pelvic girdle, and all of the abdominal area muscles, back to a central point of balance.

This treatment aims to stop all Pain within a period to have a beautiful. That arrives in silence will you bleed a good flow of bright red blood type is down into a beautiful thing cranberry coloured blood and then your period finishes in silence.

Gone is all the bloating the Pain the discomfort, nausea the not wanting to have a period not understanding why our body is reacting the way it is.

It's about bringing a beautiful flow back into the body and understanding that your monthly cycle has an ebb and flow from one week to the next.

It's about bringing joy to having to be a woman and having a period. Through understanding and education by knowing how to look after yourself. Teaching you how to do the self-massage and other treatments to help support you during this time.

next steps…

An opportunity to ask questions about this womb focused treatment. Discover how the treatment will benefit you. Meet Suzie and have a chat about your history and what you hope to achieve when attending a session.

Your initial Womb massage appointment is a get to know each other, go over your history, and ascertain the reason for the appointment and what your goal is you want to achieve going forward.

Valuable information will be provided, along with tools tailored to your needs and requirements. There is "homework" given, and you are taught a self-massage for the womb area, plus given information to assist you in achieving your goals.

The Womb Massage Therapies is a gentle, non-invasive yet deeply moving therapy that aims to bring the pelvis and the abdominal area into alignment. Treatment includes the organs, muscles, ligaments, and the fascia, focusing on what is required to be released, strengthened restored.

Structurally the womb may be realigned, giving stagnant blood the space to move freely from this area, circulation increases to the womb, ovaries and fallopian tubes. Adhesion and scarring start to be broken down. All this improves the flow of blood, nerve, and lymph, aiming to clear the area. This unwinding creates a multi-layered relaxation and bringing you into the parasympathetic system, your rest and restore, all of which increase and balances the hormonal system.

This is just the beginning.

Now you have experienced the first treatment and understand the benefits you have gained. It's time to keep adding to the benefits gained and continue to work on the area that requires attention, and to work towards your goals of having wonderful menstruations.

Here additional bodywork is undertaken in conjunction with the Womb Massage to ensure that your periods improve each month. Meaning we target any areas where there is musculoskeletal dysfunction (Pain) and resolving these issues.

By committing to the ongoing treatment, I will be there to provide support to you. You will have someone in your corner and advocate for your success.

I’ve been seeing Suzie for over a decade. At the start it was for my aches and pains, then it became for pregnancy and then after pregnancy.
Suzie was the only person who was able to identify and fix the lower abdominal pain I experienced after having my son. I went through months of pain and no answers until I saw Suzie.
She quickly identified that my pain was associated to my womb being attached to the side of my uterus, not going back in the right spot after child birth. Within an appointment I was relieved of the pain I had been suffering!
Would highly recommend Suzie for ANY massage treatment. She truly is phenomenal!
— Tabatha